KIDS are people, too!

I used to think that children were at their best when they were seen, not heard. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a parent. You like to think that you know it all, that being a grown-up gives...

Once Upon a Time…

Everyone loves a good story. I know I do. It’s what keeps me up at night. No, I’m not scared of the dark and I don’t have insomnia. I just get caught up in a great movie at the theater or at home...

The end of the world?

Last October, Oct. 1 to be exact, I thought the world was coming to an end. No, it wasn’t that long-awaited Mayan prophecy about to come true. Nor was it a collision with a heavenly body, pestilence or even the elections that were just a month away.
By all rights, the world could have rightfully come to an end. As we all recall, the Chicago Cubs won the pennant (“… and the cattle will die, water will turn to blood, and pestilence will devastate our crops,” according to the Egyptian Enquirer, papyrus edition”). That alone could have brought the end of ages.

My swan song.

After almost 26 years, five governors, eight directors, six department name changes and hundreds of workshops and presentations, the time has come to put away my three-legged stool theory of economic development. Yes, the rumors are true that at the end of this month, I am retiring.  I will feel like an alien from another planet, leaving the comforts of state government that has supported me for more than two decades and stepping off into the unknown that is retired life.

This blog shall serve as my swan song, which causes me concern, largely because I am neither swan-like nor can I sing.

WWMD (What Would MacGyver Do?)

Take a roll of duct tape, some Post-It Notes, a couple toilet tubes and an empty soda cans and what have you got?

We’ll if you’re MacGyver, you have everything you need to do in the bad guys, rescue the requisite damsel in distress, save the world and whip up a soufflé for dinner. If you’re an entrepreneur, you’ll probably be able to cobble together a new business idea, create a bunch of jobs and help your community grow.
