The end of the world?

Last October, I believed the world would come to an end. No, it wasn’t that long-awaited Mayan prophecy about to come true. Nor was it a premonition of a collision with a heavenly body, pestilence or even the elections that were just a month away. By all rights, the...

My swan song.

It’s time!  After almost 26 years, five governors, eight directors, six department name changes and hundreds of workshops and presentations, the time has come to put away my three-legged stool theory of economic development. Yes, the rumors are true that at the end of...

WWMD (What Would MacGyver Do?)

Take a roll of duct tape, some Post-It Notes, a couple of toilet tubes and an empty soda can and what have you got? We’ll if you’re MacGyver, you have everything you need to do in the bad guys, rescue the requisite damsel in distress, save the world and whip up a...

So you probably think this blog is about me.

I gave a lot of thought about what I should write about this month. There seems to be no shortage of topics to cover about economic development and entrepreneurship. But I feel that over the last two years I may have covered most of the subjects people beside me would...

Those who can’t follow, lead.

I’ve been thinking a lot about leadership lately.  It’s not necessarily my fault. Hardly a day goes by when we’re not bombarded with the latest notions and pseudo-epiphanies about what a leader should or shouldn’t be. Last year alone, almost 1,500 paperbacks were...

It’s the talent, stupid!

Are you sitting down? Good. I want the world to know that I think recruiting business is the most effective economic development strategy around. What? Has Maury finally lost it? For years you’ve heard me speak and write that recruitment is the devil’s work. And now I...

Joy to the world.

I saw the movie Joy the other day. It is the story of the inventor of the Miracle Mop and the dynasty its inventor created all because she wouldn’t let go of her dreams. If you haven’t seen it yet, here is the Reader’s Digest version: “Facing betrayal, treachery, the...